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Bryan Seegers

Bryan Seegers

Bryan Seegers, Founding Partner of Aant Farm, LLC has been developing small gas turbine engines since 1978.  In 1988, he was first in the world to demonstrate a reliable purpose built turbine engine for model aircraft.  Aircraft and engine are now part of the Smithsonian Collection and are on loan to the AMA National Model Aviation Museum.  After 8 years as a Development Test Engineer at Honeywell, he founded M-DOT Aerospace in 1989.  As President of M-DOT, he presided over numerous gas turbine engine and missile turbopump development programs for the US Army MICOM, DARPA, IARPA, the US Air Force, the Naval Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory and several universities. 

At Aant Farm, LLC, he presides over the design and development of the TPR72 and TA65-1 engines.

In what is left of his spare time, he plays the fiddle and flies RC model helicopters.

David Weier

David Weier

David Weier, Founding Partner of Aant Farm, LLC has been In the aerospace industry since 2004.  His experience has covered flight controls software, space industry design and integration as well as design and development in many DARPA and IARPA contracts. He has over a decade of direct experience completing analysis, design and testing of turbine engines at various companies in his career.

At Aant Farm, LLC, he presides over the design and development of the TPR72 and TA65-1 engines.